Please click and review all explosives safety information provided below.
For more information regarding military munitions and explosvies safety please visit:
Frequently asked questions about military munitions...
Q: Does Fort Stewart have any military munitions in areas available for recreation?
Fort Stewart is an Army training facility and soldiers must train with many types of weapons and equipment to ensure they get the most realistic training possible, this training takes place throughout the installation.
Q. Where can military munitions be found on Fort Stewart?
A: The vast majority of miunitions are found within off-limits areas and areas that are not available for hunting.
However, military munitions can be found in any training area on Fort Stewart
Q: What should I do if I find any that might be munitions?
A: Implement the 3Rs
Recognize - if you think you have seen something that looks like a munition... DON'T TOUCH IT!
Retreat - Leave the area...go back the same way you came!
Report - Let someone in authority know where it is!
If you find anything that you suspect to be munitions, contact Range Control: (571) 801-9210 or (571) 801-9211.
For emergencies, please call Ft Stewart Central Dispatch at (571) 801-2203.